Risk Pools

Risk Pools

January 2 2020

Comply with California Workplace Harassment Laws with Training from…

Federal and California anti-harassment laws guide organizations in implementing policies that protect employees and ensure a safe, productive workplace. Although TargetSolutions’ online training courses help reinforce national and local mandates, many courses also speak specifically to California laws. By delivering…

October 2 2019

TargetSolutions’ Driver Assessment and Training Program: Creating Safer Roadways

It’s estimated that every year, roughly 1.3 million people die in car accidents worldwide. Of these fatal accidents, there are a number of causes such as distracted driving, drowsy driving, speeding, impaired driving and dangerous weather conditions. Preparing personnel for…

August 19 2019

Online Training Course Enhancement: Fleet Program Impaired Driving

According to the Foundation for Advanced Alcohol Responsibility, every day, 29 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an impaired driver. That is roughly one death every 50 minutes. Given these findings, TargetSolutions recently enhanced…

April 23 2019

Enhanced Courses for Workplace Safety Training and Ethics

TargetSolutions’ enhanced courses in its OSHA and HR catalog are video-based and feature up-to-date lessons on workplace safety and ethics. A safe and ethical work environment is instrumental in ensuring productivity and the overall well-being of employees. TargetSolutions’ online Human…

August 20 2018

City of Reno Utilizes TargetSolutions to Track License and…

The City of Reno has utilized TargetSolutions since 2014 to streamline training management and oversee employee compliance. Home to more than 235,000 residents, the City of Reno, Nev., has relied on TargetSolutions’ online training management system since 2014. TargetSolutions’ powerful…