Sexual Assault Prevention Training for College Student

Teach your students to recognize and respond to sexual harassment and assault when it occurs.

Sexual assault prevention training overview

At the foundation of every positive student experience is a safe and healthy learning environment. One of the biggest obstacles jeopardizing that environment is sexual harassment and assault on campus. There has been considerable focus on these incidents after they occur, but students are demanding that campuses do more to prevent these incidents from occurring.

Research shows that the most effective sexual assault prevention courses are based in bystander engagement and social norms strategies which are the foundations of our courses.

Vector Solutions’ sexual assault prevention training course complies with the Clery Act, the VAWA amendments to the Clery Act, and supports Title IX compliance.

Course topics include

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Sexual Assault
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Stalking
  • Consent
  • Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship
  • Reporting

Sexual assault training for student-athletes course highlights:

  • Engages your undergraduate audience throughout their time in college with differentiated second and third-year courses to reinforce critical concepts.
  • Reinforces social norms that the vast majority of your student body is making positive choices.
  • Bite-sized content is built in short sequences to promote critical thinking and reflection.
  • Realistic scenarios are relatable for your undergraduate audience.
  • Interactive knowledge checks allow you to monitor knowledge gain and changes in attitudes and beliefs while keeping students engaged.
Sexual assault prevention course mockup

Sexual assault training for student-athletes course topics:

Values & Respect

Encourage learners to reflect on their values and how they might impact others. Introduce bystander intervention techniques they can use when they encounter values that don’t match their own.

Positive Relationships

Allow students to practice supportive intervention techniques to use when they believe someone might be experiencing sexual harassment.


Introduce active listening techniques as a way to support those teammates or peers that are being bullied.

Sexual Violence and Misconduct

Explore mental health stigmas and other barriers to seeking help.

An Evidence-Based Online Student Training Program

Easily deploy Vector Solutions’ mental well-being training course, to create a campus where students thrive

Fresh Content

Vector Solutions' content is always up-to-date and compliant with the most effective training techniques that promote the promising link between bystander intervention and social norms strategies.


Vector Solutions' course content is configurable with over 20 points of customization allowing you to tailor the content to your unique institution.

Best-in-Class User Experience

Course content is designed for use on desktop, tablet, and mobile, and developed following accessibility best practices.

Designed By Experts

Vector Solutions' content is designed by 7 in-house, leading prevention experts in collaboration with renowned researchers and campus practitioners.


Vector Solutions' courses have been reviewed in 9 published efficacy studies and are proven to increase student knowledge of sexual assault prevention and increase their ability to intervene in concerning situations.

Data Insights

Real-time data dashboards help you monitor completion and track pre- and post-course attitudes and beliefs. Plus, our in-house researchers provide a custom annual Impact Report so that you can easily elevate your work to senior leadership and identify future prevention strategies.

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