

October 7, 2024 5 min read

top 6 cybersecurity courses to protect your organization

The Power of Cybersecurity Training: Top 6 Courses


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IT and CybersecurityOnline TrainingProfessional Development
top 6 cybersecurity courses to protect your organization

Cyberattacks reached an alarming new high in 2023, with a staggering 343 million victims worldwide – the most ever recorded. As we move into 2025, the cost of these breaches continues to soar, with the average global impact now climbing to an incredible average of $4.88 million per attack. The stakes – and costs – have never been greater in the fight against cybercrime.

More often than not, the weak points in our cybersecurity measures are more likely to be people-related than technological in nature. That’s why businesses must be proactive in investing in comprehensive training to improve their cybersecurity outcomes. In fact, breach publications and industry sources estimate that up to 74% of breaches include a human element, where people are involved in the error, misuse, stolen credentials, or social engineering used in the breach.

Cybersecurity Training Empowers Your People

With human-related breaches making up almost three-quarters, it’s important to train your team. The consequences of neglecting these common cybersecurity risks can be devastating for your organization. In fact, research reveals that 60% of small businesses fail to recover and are forced to shut down within six months of such a data breach or cyberattack. Implementing effective training is key to preventing your organization from facing a similar outcome.

Vector’s comprehensive online cybersecurity training is an effective resource in helping you to pinpoint vulnerabilities in your systems and processes, offer practical solutions to safeguard your organization, and ensure your team stays informed and prepared to follow essential cybersecurity protocols.

Vector’s Top Cybersecurity Courses to Protect

Here are six of Vector’s top training courses to help you improve your organization’s cybersecurity practices and better protect your data and people:

  1. End-User Best Practices:

    When it is so easy to connect to the internet and access vast amounts of information, it is easy to forget the dangers that lie in wait. From hotspots to password management, this interactive online course walks learners through end-user best practices. It also discusses the importance of administrative rights, defines types of physical attacks against privacy, and recommends ways to protect against malwares and viruses. At the end of this course, you will have a greater ability to recognize legitimate and secure websites, differentiate between free and commercial VPN tunnels, and, among other skill sets, identify insecure hotspots in public places and the risks involved in roaming.

  2. Classifying and Safeguarding Date for Corporate and Professional:

    Failing to become cyber aware, failing to put measures in place that will protect your devices and network is also failing to protect your personal information, your place of business, and your customers. In this interactive online course, attendees will learn why classifying and safeguarding data is a priority that must not be ignored. This course also lists the main types of classifications and state objectives for securing data. At the end of this course, learners will be able to recognize three main types of data classifications, understand how to keep personal and business data separate, and summarize business and personal standards for deleting and dumping data. They will also gain an understanding of what to do when confronted with threats to mobile devices.

  3. Security Awareness Essentials:

    Attackers seem to be lurking behind every click of the mouse or tap on the screen. Many people forget that they are the keepers of their own security and the security of the institutions for which they are employed. In this interactive online course, attendees will learn about the who, what, how, and why of security attacks. This course will also cover the potential losses associated with successful security breaches by hackers and will come away understanding the different ways in which those security breaches can occur. Finally, learners will know important actions they can take within their organization to limit security risks. At the end of this course, you will be able to name three main attacks that target employees, define an Acceptable Use Policy and what it consists of, anticipate the ramifications of a cyber-attack on small- and medium-sized businesses, and explore antivirus solutions.

  4. Social Engineering:

    Social engineering is the art of extorting information from employees that can assist a hacker to breach the security of an organization. It can be done by a human or it can be done digitally. In this interactive online course, learners will define phishing and identify common features, examples, and how to avoid phishing scams. This course will also cover identity theft and how to protect against it. At the end of this course, learners will be able to define phishing, understand how to avoid phishing scams, and know how to protect against identity theft.

  5. Email and Messaging Safety:

    Email is the primary means of attack from cyber-perpetrators. This course provides an overview of cybercrime via email, and how to employ safe email and messaging practices to avoid and help prevent cyber threats, attempts at fraud, and identity theft. Learners will gain an understanding of how email threats operate, how to identify email fraud and phishing, as well as safe email and messaging practices.

  6. Protection Against Malware:

    Malware is a primary means of attack for scammers and hackers. This course provides learners with an overview of basic protection against malware. After this course, learners will understand the various types of malware, how malware works, as well as protective strategies and safe practices.

Don’t Wait for a Devastating Breach to Promote Cybersecurity

People often opt for convenience in their daily tasks, underestimating risks and bypassing what may seem like excessive security measures. By recognizing these habits, industry leaders can adjust their approaches to minimize human error, a significant cybersecurity risk. Equip your employees to prioritize prevention and foster a team-based cybersecurity culture where everyone shares the responsibility for keeping the workplace secure.

Education and training are vital tools, especially during a crisis. However, the best education is proactive—preventing disasters before they occur. By developing and investing in a strong cybersecurity training program, your organization will be in a much better place to stop an attack from breaking through your defenses.

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