How to Stay Informed as an AML Compliance Officer


As a Compliance Officer in the gaming industry, it is your responsibility to be up-to-date in all things BSA AML regulatory compliance, especially when it comes to FinCEN regulatory updates. Your position requires you to be diligent, resourceful and dedicated to correctly filing and completing all that is required. In order to do so, it is recommended to do the due diligence in gathering all available information and resources.

Here are a few ways we recommend to stay informed:

  • Register for the Institute for Certified Industry Professionals BSA AML Professional Development Program  – 

Become Gaming Anti-Money Specialist Certified when you complete ICGIP’s BSA AML Professional Development Program.

The Institute for Certified Gaming Industry Professionals (ICGIP) was founded to coordinate casino industry efforts and ensure compliance and operational competencies with subject matters such as Anti-Money Laundering. Membership includes: 17 training modules that cover basic to advanced knowledge of the Title 31 regulation and the Gaming Anti-Money Laundering Specialist certification exam. Once you complete the exam, you will be a Gaming Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (GAMS) that will require an annual renewal. Becoming GAMS certified enhances your career to be recognized as an AML subject matter expert, the status of your network and the value of your team.

Kindly review the ICGIP online brochure that showcases the course content and how to apply.

  • Train your team annually on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) –

Annual training should be included in your AML program required by FinCEN as it is stated in the FinCEN Casino or Card Club Compliance Program Assessment – FIN-2010-G003.

It is recommended for Casinos to implement a base level of training for all employees, and add further, targeted training to those with more AML-specific responsibilities and perform the training annually. That way an AML compliance program would ensure employees receive adequate training, and know how to perform assigned duties per job title and department.

“Deficiencies could result in BSA civil money penalties or other enforcement actions. Also, a casino or card club may need to consider corrective action, as appropriate. Deficiencies that may warrant taking corrective action include, but are not limited to the following: Inadequate testing, training, or other failures in an essential element of a BSA compliance program;” (Sourced from FIN-2010-G003)

Casino Essentials is the leading provider of casino specific training for elearning, live training conferences and seminars. We proudly serve over 300 casinos nationwide. Since the gaming industry is unique and requires very specific course content, we designed our training to range from required compliance content to professional roadmaps for frontline to executive team members. Our course catalog includes over 150 curated casino training courses

  • Attend our Annual Conferences – 

Casino Essentials hosts regional and national AML conferences annually – both in-person and virtually. Our speakers have included: Director of FinCEN – Kenneth Blanco, Chief of IRS Criminal Investigation – John D.  (Don) Fort, Deputy Chief of IRS Criminal Investigation – Eric C. Hylton, and Chief of Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section – Deborah Connor. No other AML event has the unique access to government personnel Casino Essentials offers. Attendees hear from top government officials who are creating and implementing the federal AML compliance laws and standards.

View our Events Page to learn more about the upcoming events!

  • Subscribe to FinCEN Updates –

Subscribing to FinCEN updates ensures you have the most updated information to execute what is asked of you. This free service was created to keep the public informed of news, rulemakings, advisories and other developments at FinCEN.

Stay informed of updates to the FinCEN website by signing up to receive FinCEN Updates in your email inbox. You can subscribe to specific content that you are interested in receiving an e-mail message containing a link to the new information. Subscription items include advisories, guidance, news releases, rulings, enforcement actions, and current career opportunities at FinCEN. Users can opt to have FinCEN Updates sent immediately, daily, weekly, or monthly to their e-mail accounts or directly to a wireless device.

CLICK HERE to sign-up for FinCEN Updates!

AML Considerations as it relates to COVID-19

Recently, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Kenneth A. Blanco addressed the Consensus Blockchain Conference. He discussed FinCEN’s efforts to provide guidance related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read his remarks here.


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