If Your Budget is Restricted Right Now, We Can Help
We understand that budgets can be tight or restricted right now due to a variety of reasons, which can make it difficult to invest in new solutions. That's why we've worked with Education Market Experts, a third party consulting firm, who thoroughly reviewed our solutions and correlated them with the following federal funds.
Formula Funds
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
Congress set aside approximately $14.25 billion of the $30.75 billion allotted to the Education Stabilization Fund through the CARES Act for the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). The Department will award these grants to institutions of higher education (IHE) based on a formula stipulated in the legislation. The CARES Act provides a $14.25 billion Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) for institutions of higher education to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Institutes of higher education have significant flexibility in how they choose to use the HEER funds and will be able to use them where they are needed most. The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund is split into three components:
- the 90% component
- the 7.5% component
- the 2.5% component
The 7.5% component is to be used to cover costs directly related to the coronavirus and is distributed based on the same relative share of funding allocated in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020. These funds may be used to defray expenses, such as lost revenue, reimbursements for expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with the transition to distance education, faculty and staff training, payroll and grants to students to cover the cost of attendance.
Vector Solution Program(s) That Meet Guidelines:
STOP Violence Against Women
- Train faculty and staff, and educate students on preventing violence against women, to include sexual violence prevention. This can also include specialized training for school officials to respond to mental health crises.
- Develop and implement threat assessment and/or intervention teams and/or operate technology solutions such as anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and websites. Threat assessment and/or intervention teams must coordinate with law enforcement agencies and school personnel.
Some initiatives supported by these grant funds include:
- Services specifically devoted to preventing, identifying, and responding to violent crimes against women.
- Training opportunities for judiciary, court, and probation personnel, in addition to law enforcement and victim service providers.
- Partnerships between law enforcement and victim service providers, to provide compassionate outreach to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.
- Supporting prosecutors working closely with victim witness advocates, probation, law enforcement, and state agencies, to target high-risk cases and increase offender accountability.
Vector Solution Program(s) That Meet Guidelines:
Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) has identified the following priority areas for funding:
- Support rape crisis centers in providing direct intervention and related assistance.
- Support dual programs that provide sexual assault and domestic violence services to enhance their provision of direct intervention and related assistance tailored for victims of sexual assault.
- Retain core services for victims of sexual assault.
- Increase support for underserved populations, particularly communities of color, in a culturally appropriate manner, with a special emphasis on addressing the African American, tribal, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) communities, as well as individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals.
Grants are designed to support programs and activities that provide core services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault. Intervention and related assistance may include:
- 24-hour hotline services providing crisis intervention services and referral.
- Accompaniment and advocacy through medical, criminal justice, and social support systems, including medical facilities, police, and court proceedings.
- Crisis intervention, short-term individual and group support services, and comprehensive service coordination and supervision to assist sexual assault victims and family or household members.
- Information and referral to assist the sexual assault victim and family or household members.
- Community-based, culturally specific services and support mechanisms, including outreach activities for underserved communities.
- Development and distribution of materials on issues related to the services described above.
Vector Solution Program(s) That Meet Guidelines: