On-demand Webinars

May 22, 2023

The Vaping Epidemic: What Can Schools Do?




PreventionSpecial OverrideStudent Training

This training is designed to help K-12 district and school leaders understand current issues and vaping trends among middle school and high school students.

We will discuss the importance of implementing a drug-free policy within your schools, as well as how you can improve your school’s policy if you already have one in place. In this training, we will share data surrounding vaping, cessation programs, and other resources to share with your colleagues, students, or families.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the current vaping use trends and the risks associated with them.
  • Acknowledge the importance of having a drug-free school policy in place.
  • Identify what your school’s drug-free policy is missing, or how it could be improved.
  • Share vaping cessation programs, and other vaping resources with colleagues, students, and families.
  • Participants will leave training with a drug-free school policy checklist, vetted resources such as a vaping toolkit and curriculum, as well as knowledge around updated vaping trends.


Christi Valentini-Lackner BS, OCPC

Chief Program Officer, PreventionFIRST!

Christi Valentini-Lackner is the Chief Program Officer at PreventionFIRST! She is an Ohio Certified Prevention Consultant (OCPC) who has worked in the prevention field for over 20 years. Christi has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Ohio University. Christi is a Ohio Prevention Professionals Association board member and serves as Vice President and Education & Training Team Co-Chair. In 2016, she received the ADAPAO Advocate of the Year Award. Christi is an Ohio Coaching and Mentoring (OCAM) Network coach and mentor. She is co-author of the low-risk drinking course for adults, Minimize Risk-Maximize Life.

Ryley Jones BS, CHES, OCPS

Program Manager at PreventionFIRST!

Ryley Jones is a Program Manager at PreventionFIRST! She is responsible for managing the Coalition Management Center, data collection and evaluation efforts, sending out all certificates of attendance, and managing the Ohio Coaching and Mentoring (OCAM) Network training calendar. She has a Bachelor of Science in health promotion and education with a focus in community health and a Minor in psychology from the University of Cincinnati. Ryley is currently pursuing her Master’s in Public Health with a concentration in Behavioral Health through Kent State University. Ryley is an Ohio Certified Prevention Specialist (OCPS) and a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).